Wednesday, March 7, 2007

List of SNA references 1

Whilst surfing for social networks on the web I found this list of SNA references. I now have plenty of reading for the next year :) Thanks Jonathon Cummings.

It also links to a summary of some SNA resources which should make my life a bit easier. Thanks
Jian-Ming Lee.

I hope these guys will keep updating these pages and will look again soon...


Valdis Krebs said...

Hi Jackie!

Welcome to the SNA world from one Mathematician to another! I also had a weird transition from Math... to Org Behavior... but it helped me write SNA software.

You may want to look at my SNA of SNA books...

Maybe read the most influential book first?[according to SNA metrics on the book network]

Here is our blog on putting SNA to work and weaving better networks, especially from the ground up...



JackieWorld said...

Hey, thanks for the help Valdis. It's going to be slow going at first as it's a bit of a spare time activity for me, but I've got a few ideas on where to go first and if I get lost, I'll just try a different route.


JackieWorld said...

PS My first two books are going to be Social Network Analysis: A Handbook and The Hidden Power of Social Networks, both pretty central in your SNA and so presumably good choices :)